C-Series Pliers from Wild About Beads
Chainmail / Chain Making Pliers
Wirework Pliers
Jewelry Making Pliers
We are proud and excited to offer this line of long handle pliers including round nose, flat nose, chain nose, and bent chain nose pliers. These are absolutely the finest chain making pliers available in this price range, and possibly at any price. Quality box joint construction, return spring, comfortable long padded handles, all stainless steel - you can't ask for more in a quality tool.
The C-Series pliers are a real upgrade from traditional beading pliers and can reduce the likelihood of repetitive stress injury / carpal tunnel. I've had several students that were unable to work on their chain making for any period of time, not able to complete one of our chainmail workshops without pain. Now with these tools, many of our students and several other customers have told us that they can now work on a chain for much longer periods of time and do not experience the discomfort and pain they had before using the smaller beading pliers. They're now able to complete chainmail workshops without pain. We've also had several customers interested in wirework that have switched to the C-Series pliers because they find them much more comfortable. If you're used to smaller beading pliers it will take you a little time to get used to these, but once you do you'll find that you have a much better grip on your wire, your hands and wrists are less likely to fatigue, and you're able to create more in less time.
I've had a pair of Lindstrom pliers that I have used for the past year and a half. The Lindstroms are fantastic pliers, generally considered the best, and we offered them at our store for approximately $40-$50 each depending on style - quite an investment for the average beader or someone making jewelry as a hobby. I've used my Lindstroms almost exclusively for chainmail (one pair of bent chain nose and one pair of flat nose is my recommended combination for chain making) and they work well. But....Now that I have been carrying the C-Series pliers pictured above I FIND MYSELF REACHING FOR THEM MORE OFTEN than I reach for my Lindstroms! Why? Well, they're just as comfortable to me, and I find they may even have a little more leverage. While I may slip off a ring once in a while with my Lindstroms - with the C-Series pliers I don't. I feel strongly about the quality of these tools without even considering the fact that you can purchase a set of all 4 for what you may pay for one pair of Lindstrom pliers.
The C-Series pliers measure 6 to 6.5 inches from tip to tail depending on the type of jaws chosen. The handles alone measure 4 inches and the shape and length give you a lot of leverage with a comfortable padded grip.
Conditioning New Pliers
We recommend that you use a file to condition the jaws of your new pliers (a nail file will do in a pinch, jewelers files are better). Just run your finger along the jaws, including the edges, feeling for any sharp areas. Use the file to smooth any sharp areas. Generally the inside of the jaws will be fine, but the edges can be a bit sharp. Don't overdo it, but gently file the edge until it isn't sharp anymore. As a new pair of pliers break in you may see oil coming from the joint for a while. This is normal and will stop in time, just wipe the oil away as you work.
Chainmail Instructors & Bead Stores
If you are a chainmail instructor or Bead Store and are interested in carrying our C-Series pliers, please contact us at sales@wildaboutbeads.com We offer wholesale pricing to qualified and interested individuals for quantity purchases. As a chainmail instructor, I often wonder how many students may be turned off by struggling with smaller and lower quality pliers while trying to make their first chain. Offer your students the quality and value of these affordable C-Series pliers.